Our Name

Two things we are constantly asked here at Maranatha Community Church … 1) how do you spell it and 2) what does it mean!

Unfortunately, the spelling of Maranatha will be a perpetual problem 😄, but we happily share why we call our church what we do —


The only biblical reference to Maranatha is found in 1 Corinthians 16:22 and is an Aramaic phrase made up of two words (“Marana” and “tha”) that means either “the Lord is coming” or “come, O Lord”, depending on the context.

Today, believers in Jesus Christ live our lives in the light of the knowledge that He came once as a baby some 2,000 years ago to be our Savior and that He has promised He will come again in power and glory! Maranatha reminds us to keep our eyes looking up. Looking down, we see the earth; looking around, we see earthly things. But looking up, we see the hope of the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. To those who are discouraged, worried or filled with anxiety over the problems they are facing, Maranatha! Our Lord is coming!


A common definition of community is a group of people with diverse characteristics who are linked by social ties, share common perspectives, and engage in joint action in geographical locations or settings … and in a church setting, a place for people to build authentic friendships in the midst of people who know, love and care for one another.


A church is commonly thought of as a group of similarly minded believers organized for worship, fellowship and service. practicing and proclaiming common convictions while growing closer to God and one another in the process.

Maranatha Community Church is, therefore, a group of Christ followers who desire to build a community within our local community that develops authentic relationships based on a firm foundation of God’s Word that helps us all to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ … a Lord and Savior who came once to redeem us and will someday return for us!